Git Branching Explained: The Role of .gitignore in Version Control
GIT Branching Strategies
The master is considered as production version of the source code.
GIT branching strategies are used to maintain integrity/correctness of master branch.
GIT branches are logical copy of a repository (master branch).
GIT branching strategies prevents the conflict in master branch.
To perform parallel development.
Working with Branches
git branch <new_branch_name> - To create new branch
git switch <branch_name> - Switch to any existing branch
- Alternate command - git checkout <branch_name>
git switch -c <new_branch_name> - To create and switch to new branch
- Alternate command - git checkout -b <new_branch_name>
git branch - Used get the list of branches
git branch -M <Branch_name> - Rename Branch
git branch -D <Branch_name> - Delete the branch
git merge
Used to Merge the Changes to Target Branch
Should be executed from the target branch
syntax : git merge <branch_name>
GIT Merge Conflict
How Merge Conflict Occurs
When more than one user/feature try to update a same line in the same file on the same target branch, merge Conflict Occurs.
How to fix the Merge Conflict
Identify the file(s) causing the Merge Conflict
Open and review the file content
Upon review, decide which record should be retained or deleted from that file
Open the File in edit mode, and delete the header and footer lines, and update the file with required records and save it.
perform git add and commit to the target branch
Prevent the Merge Conflict
- As per DevOps Process, review the Changes before merge
Is used to Ignore the files from tracking!
create .gitignore file and commit in a repository as a very first commit.